Saturday 15 August 2009

Brown Rice

  • 1 cup brown rice & 2 1/2 cups water
  • Place in microwave rice cooker (or a caserole dish with a lid)
  • Cook, power setting high for 6 mins, setting 2 for 40 mins (1000 watt microwave)
The setting may need to be adjusted to suit your own microwave. If it boils over before reaching 6 mins, note the time & do it slightly for less than that time when next you cook brown rice. If the rice is too moist after 40 minutes, do it at one setting higher next time <= repeat each time you cook the rice until it's perfect. Once you have it right, you will not need change settings again until you get a new microwave.

Stove Top
  • 1 cup brown rice & 3 cups water
  • bring to boil
  • simmer with lid on for 45 mins.

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